Which Anime Girl are You?

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There are many types of Anime Girls, but I have hand-selected the acme half dozen and have stuck them in my quiz! Are you going to get a proficient result? Who knows? Only your honest answers will decide!

Which Anime Daughter are You? My quiz will give you a correct answer if you answer honestly. This quiz is programmed to give you the right answer, but just of y'all answer honestly! Take this quiz to find the truth!

Created by: Kitty Starbucks

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi! How are y'all? Welcome to this quiz!
  2. What is Your Favourite Colour?
  3. You run across your best friend talking to the new girl. What do you do? Honestly!
  4. What is your Favourite Disney Graphic symbol? :3
  5. What Words All-time Describe You lot? ;)
  6. How Many Friends?
  7. Favourite Food? :d
  8. What is Your Pilus Colour? ^"¢^
  9. What Clothes do You lot Like to Wearable? (If you don't take the clothes you want, doesn't thing! Reply as if y'all had 'em!)
  10. Exercise you have a crush? ;three
  11. Bye At present! I will Miss Yous!

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Quiz topic: Which Anime Daughter am I?